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How much does a Chapter 13 Cost?

 Posted on August 17, 2019 in Uncategorized

Often our office charges a down payment on a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy of as little as $565.00. This consists of the costs to file the case and an additional $155.00 to our office. The Court in our district sets a “no look fee.” This fee is $3,700.00 plus the costs to file your case or a total fee of $4,110.00.

What a “no look fee” means is that the Court allows that as a fee for our services without subsequent application for additional compensation. Almost all attorneys in our district charge a fee of $3,700.00 for a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. The difference you will find between attorneys is what is charged as a down payment and what costs are included in that down payment.

90% of Chapter 13 cases filed with out office pay only the no look fee with little to no additional out of pocket expense. However, all time in our office is billed at $350.00 per hour for attorneys and $150.00 per hour for legal assistants. If your case is more complex than an average simple uncontested Chapter 13 case our office will apply for the additional compensation with the Court. Presuming approval of the Application for Additional Fees, our office will work out arrangements with you for repayment including possibly adding these amounts into the remainder of your plan. Again, 90% of case filings with our office do not exceed the Court’s “no look fee.”

For more information on the costs associated with a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy contact our office and one of our attorneys will meet with you to discuss any issues that you have and help you formulate a game plan as to what direction is the best for you and your family.

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